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Project Description

The Peninsular Firearm Academy is a facility that provides members a safe and fun place to conduct target shooting. The facility involves firing from an eyebrow baffle within an indoor structure into outdoor targets located 100m away.

The project involved conducted acoustic testing of the 308 Winchester cailbre bullets and 22 Magnum Winchester bullets. Noise testing was conducted on two days separated by four months. As per the Council conditions of consent, noise measurements were conducted at four separate residential receiver locations on each day.

Each test was conducted as per the EPA’s Target Shooting Ranges: Application Note for Assessing Noise Compliance. This involved firing 50 shots of both ammunition types at the four receiver locations during suitable weather conditions.

The logger files of each noise measurement were post processed at 1/10th of a second intervals. The arithmetic average of each ammunition and receiver location was obtained and compared to the project criteria set out in the DA conditions.

Reporting was conducted to the standard set out in the EPA’s Target Shooting Ranges: Application Note for Assessing Noise Compliance.

Client organisation: Peninsular Firearm Academy
Value of work constructed as a result of the commission:  Unknown